Entertainment Lineup
Food Vendors setup Wednesday May21st starting at 1pm
Craft Vendors setup Thursday May 22nd starting at 1pm all vehicles off the road by 4pm
Craft Vendors are along Front Street on both sides of the street and food vendors are in the middle at the band stand.
Rides for the kids are down Suzanna Way.
You have live gambling on Western Ave.
Beer Booths are located at Front & Union and Front and Western near the band stand.​
May 22nd Parade Lineup at 5PM Parade starts at 6pm with RiverDays right after.
Thursday May 22nd 6pm to 11pm DJ music only.
Friday May 23rd 6pm to Midnight (6 to 8:40 Sonny Moorman Group) https://www.facebook.com/events/1114001123128775/
Saturday May 23rd (9 to 11 City Slickers) https://www.facebook.com/CitySlickerBand
​Saturday May 24th 6PM to 8:30PM One Way To Rock https://www.facebook.com/oneway2rock
Saturday May 24th 9 to 11 Bad Boy Troy https://www.facebook.com/BadBoyTroyOfficial